Timothy Alexander Guzman, Silent Crow News – Israel’s government and their Zionist ideology has been present in African politics since the late 1800s. It all began with the British government who wanted to dominate East Africa to advance their commercial interests and to secure trading routes to India before other Western Imperial powers such as Germany and France. In 1888,…
Category: Colonialism & Occupation
Pro-Palestine Protests in San Juan, Puerto Rico
Timothy Alexander Guzman, Silent Crow News – In Puerto Rico, Pro-Palestine activists rallied outside a Shomer Shabbos Somos event – hosted by the UJA-Federation of New York and the Metropolitan Council on Jewish Poverty and Chabad of Puerto Rico.
“Drop a Nuclear Bomb on Gaza”: Israeli Minister Says Using Nukes on Gaza an Option
Timothy Alexander Guzman, Silent Crow News – Amichai Eliyahu, an Israeli Heritage Minister has admitted to the world that Israel has nuclear weapons ready to be used on the Palestinians. The Times of Israel reported that “Heritage Minister Amichai Eliyahu said Sunday that one of Israel’s options in the war against Hamas was to drop a nuclear bomb on the…
“Exterminate all the Brutes”
All settler colonial projects, including Israel, reach a point when they embrace wholesale slaughter and genocide to eradicate a native population that refuses to capitulate. Chris Hedges, Information Clearinghouse – During the siege in Sarajevo, when I was reporting for The New York Times, we never endured the level of saturation bombing and near total blockage of food, water, fuel…
Urban Warfare in Gaza: Why Israeli Forces will Face a Formidable Resistance and a Very Long War
Timothy Alexander Guzman, Silent Crow News – The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) and with the possibility of US troops entering the war will face Hamas in Northern Gaza and that will quickly turn into a quagmire. The main objective for Hamas was to lure Israeli forces into Gaza and fight their war, on their terms. It is certain that Hamas…
The Powder Keg in the Middle East has Exploded: What Israel’s War on Gaza Means for the Rest of the World
Timothy Alexander Guzman, Silent Crow News – A new war in the Gaza Strip should not be a surprise to anyone who understands what the Palestinians have been going through for the last 75 years. Many people in the West, in particularly those in the United States and the European Union are shocked and very angry with the attack on…
Remember the Forgotten War: The US, South Korea, and Japan Continue to Antagonize North Korea with Joint Military Exercises off the Korean Peninsula
Timothy Alexander Guzman, Silent Crow News – Antagonizing North Korea should be considered an American pastime. Back in 2017, the Ulchi-Freedom Guardian exercises took place with 17,500 US and South Korean troops. Pyongyang condemned the exercise according to North Korea’s official newspaper, Rodong Sinmunas “the most explicit expression of hostility against us.” In response, North Korea fired three missiles from…
Opposing The Empire Means Widening Our Circles Of Compassion
Caitlin Johnstone, caitlinJohnstone.com.au – In trying to get people to care about warmongering and imperialism what we’re really trying to do is get people to widen their circle of compassion to the furthest extent possible. To extend their care for the people around them to include caring about violence and abuse against people even on the other side of the…
On the Future of Manufactured Pandemics: Origins of COVID-19, the U.S. Military’s Bioweapons Program, Global Vaccine Resistance
Timothy Alexander Guzman, Silent Crow News – On August 2nd, 2019, a local newspaper based in Frederick, Maryland called The Frederick News-Post published a report ‘Fort Detrick lab shut down after failed safety inspection; all research halted indefinitely’ on the sudden closure of the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases lab located at Ft. Dietrick, Maryland: All…
Are They Really Fighting Terrorists? U.S. Occupation Forces in Syria Receive New Weapons for a Future Conflict with Syrian and Russian Forces
Timothy Alexander Guzman, Silent Crow News – In early May, Syria was welcomed back to the Arab League, a development that was sure to anger the US and European establishments so new tensions between US occupation forces and the Russia-Syria alliance have been escalating quite rapidly in the last few months. An article published by Reuters ‘Arab League readmits Syria…
There is One Major Problem with Robert F. Kennedy Jr….
Timothy Alexander Guzman, Silent Crow News – There’s only one conclusion when it comes to Israel, in fact it’s almost like a tradition, it’s definitely a meal ticket to political power for all US president’s, senators, congress people, governors, mayors from the past to the present who pledge their unconditional support for Israel. US President Harry S. Truman, a Democrat,…
The Day JFK Warned Us About the Globalists ‘Monolithic and Ruthless Conspiracy’ and their Censorship Regime
Timothy Alexander Guzman, Silent Crow News – We have been warned decades ago by US President, John F. Kennedy who gave a speech on the dangers the globalists pose to us all before the American Newspaper Publishers Association on April 27, 1961: It requires a change in outlook, a change in tactics, a change in missions–by the government, by the…
‘Israel is (Not) Back to Africa’: How African Countries are Challenging Israeli Plot on the Continent
Ramzy Baroud, Counterpunch – The scene of Israeli Ambassador, Sharon Bar-Li, along with other Israeli delegates, being escorted out of the opening ceremony of the African Union Summit in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, on February 18, was historic. The very moment that was meant to crown twenty years of Israeli diplomacy on the African continent, in a few seconds, turned to…
China’s Peace Initiatives in the Middle East and Ukraine, US-NATO War Plans for the World
Timothy Alexander Guzman, Silent Crow News – What if there was a new approach to global affairs where wars and regime change were a thing of the past and was replaced with diplomacy and respect? Let’s face it, the last five centuries or so, European and American hegemonic ambitions have basically made the world a dangerous place. From European colonialism…