Education & Society

Protecting the Public from the Police? Will U.S. Law Enforcement Use Body Cameras to Monitor Themselves?

Obama Proposes $75 Million to Purchase Body Cameras for U.S. Police Departments Timothy Alexander Guzman, Silent Crow News – Protests in US cities and towns has continued to make headlines over the acquittal of the police officers involved in the unjustified homicides in Ferguson, Missouri involving the shooting death of Michael Brown and in New York City where Eric Garner’s…

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Education & Society

Civil Rights and the Militarization of Police: Lessons from the Gestapo, America’s Path to Tyranny

Timothy Alexander Guzman, Silent Crow News –The world is watching what is happening in Ferguson, Missouri.  After the announcement by the grand jury that Officer Darren Wilson was acquitted for the shooting death of Michael Brown, angry residents took to the streets of Ferguson and other towns and cities across the U.S. to protest police brutality.  The U.S. government has the FBI, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) along with the Ferguson police department and the Missouri National…

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Education & Society, Science & Medicine

Victims of Deception: A History of U.S. Mass Sterilization in Puerto Rico and Beyond

Timothy Alexander Guzman, Silent Crow News – Disturbing revelations made by doctors based in Kenya regarding the World Health Organization (WHO) in collaboration with the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) located in New York City, exposed a sterilization program supposed to prevent neonatal tetanus which effects newborns aimed at young girls and women ranging from 14 – 49 years of…

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Crisis in East Jerusalem

Israel and the Third Intifada?  Timothy Alexander Guzman, Silent Crow News – The Israeli government knows how to provoke a response from the Palestinians. They are repressing the Palestinians by controlling their right to enter the sacred Al-Aqsa mosque located in the Old City of Jerusalem. This action, I believe is intentional. It is to provoke a response from the…

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French Military Intervention in the Levant? War with Hezbollah on the Horizon?

France to Deliver Military Equipment and Advisors to Lebanon for at least 10 Years with Saudi Arabian Funds Timothy Alexander Guzman, Silent Crow News – Saudi Arabia is funding the French government’s military apparatus for a future conflict involving the Lebanese government and the terrorist groups such as ISIS and Al-Nusra. Reuters reported that “France will start delivering military equipment…

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Libya, A Nation in Despair

The spirit of democracy cannot be imposed from without. It has to come from within Mahatma Gandhi Timothy Alexander Guzman, Silent Crow News –The US-NATO invasion of Libya in 2011 to remove Muammar Gaddafi for a government that would be subservient to Western interests has proven to be a disaster for North Africa and Europe. They have managed to destroy…

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Science & Medicine, World History

U.S. is Responsible for the Ebola Outbreak in West Africa: Liberian Scientist

A History of Guatemala’s Syphilis Experiment: How a U.S. Led Team Performed Human Experimentations in Central America Timothy Alexander Guzman, Silent Crow News – Dr. Cyril Broderick, A Liberian scientist and a former professor of Plant Pathology at the University of Liberia’s College of Agriculture and Forestry says the West, particularly the U.S. is responsible for the Ebola outbreak in…

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Education & Society, Media Analysis

War Propaganda and Women’s Rights: The Arab Emirates (UAE) Exploit First Woman Pilot to Lead the Bombing Campaign Against ISIS

Timothy Alexander Guzman, Silent Crow News – The United Arab Emirates (UAE) had recently announced that a female fighter pilot led the United Arab Emirates Air Force (UAEAF) bombardment of ISIS on Syrian territory.  According to the UAE’s online news source ‘The National’ based in Abu Dhabi confirms its nation’s first female pilot leading the fight against the Western created…

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Colonialism & Occupation, Education & Society

Rigged Scottish Referendum? Why the Anglo-American Establishment Oppose an Independent Scotland

Europe’s nations should be guided towards the super-state without their people understanding what is happening. This can be accomplished by successive steps, each disguised as having an economic purpose, but which will eventually and irreversibly lead to federation Jean Monnet (One of the Founders of the EU in a letter to a colleague on April 30th, 1952) Timothy Alexander Guzman,…

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Syrian “Moderate” Rebels and Islamic State Jihadists “Make Peace”. What Will Obama do Now?

Timothy Alexander Guzman, Silent Crow News – Well, Well, Well what do we have here?  According to a new report by Agence-France Presse (AFP) “Syrian rebels and jihadists from the Islamic State have agreed a non-aggression pact for the first time in a suburb of the capital Damascus, a monitoring group said on Friday.”  What will the Obama administration do…

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Geopolitics, Media Analysis

“The Enemy of my Enemy is my Friend”: How the U.S. is Using ISIS as a Pretext for War Against Syria

Timothy Alexander Guzman, Silent Crow News – Absurdity beyond comprehension. Washington supported the Free Syria rebels who aligned themselves with a another splinter terrorist group called Al-Nusra to overthrow President Bashar al-Assad, then the Syrian rebels and other groups in Iraq form another terrorist organization who call themselves the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS). The consequences of Washington’s…

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Colonialism & Occupation, Geopolitics

Colonialism and America’s Imperial Agenda in the Pacific: US to “Rebalance” Military in Guam to Counter China and North Korea

Timothy Alexander Guzman, Silent Crow News – Guam, an Island nation of 160,000 people has been a victim of Imperialism dating back to the 16th century.  More than 65,000 of the population are called the Chamorro people, an indigenous population originally from the Mariana Islands.  Many of the Chamorro people also live in the Northern Mariana Islands, another U.S. territory.  Guam’s fate with imperial powers…

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