Colonialism & Occupation, Geopolitics, Media Analysis

There is One Major Problem with Robert F. Kennedy Jr….

Timothy Alexander Guzman, Silent Crow News – There’s only one conclusion when it comes to Israel, in fact it’s almost like a tradition, it’s definitely a meal ticket to political power for all US president’s, senators, congress people, governors, mayors from the past to the present who pledge their unconditional support for Israel.  US President Harry S. Truman, a Democrat,…

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Colonialism & Occupation, Geopolitics, Global Economy, Media Analysis, World History

The Day JFK Warned Us About the Globalists ‘Monolithic and Ruthless Conspiracy’ and their Censorship Regime

Timothy Alexander Guzman, Silent Crow News – We have been warned decades ago by US President, John F. Kennedy who gave a speech on the dangers the globalists pose to us all before the American Newspaper Publishers Association on April 27, 1961: It requires a change in outlook, a change in tactics, a change in missions–by the government, by the…

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Geopolitics, Media Analysis

USAID Board Member Says ‘New World Order’ will Continue Despite a Rising Multipolar World

Timothy Alexander Guzman, Silent Crow News – That same old American institution called the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) who supports regime change and wars across the world has a board member who wrote an opinion piece for The Hill, a liberal online news organization on the relevance of the rules-based order and how much the world needs…

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Geopolitics, Media Analysis

Peace is Breaking Out in the Middle East…and Washington is Not Happy!

Dr. Ron Paul, The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity – While we were being distracted by the ongoing Russia/Ukraine war – and Washington’s increasing involvement in the war – tremendous developments in the Middle East have all but ended decades of US meddling in the region. Peace is breaking out in the Middle East and Washington is not…

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Media Analysis

The True Betrayers Of Julian Assange Are Close To Home

John Pilger, Information Clearinghouse – An abridged version of a speech John Pilger gave in Sydney on March 10. I have known Julian Assange since I first interviewed him in London in 2010. I immediately liked his dry, dark sense of humor, often dispensed with an infectious giggle. He is a proud outsider: sharp and thoughtful. We have become friends,…

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Geopolitics, Global Economy, Media Analysis

US Occupation Forces in Syria are not “Fighting Terrorism”

The Unspoken Objective is the Plunder Its Natural Resources Timothy Alexander Guzman, Silent Crow News – Despite the massive earthquake that devasted parts of Syria and Turkey, the US and its allies continue their war against the Syrian government.  US troops still illegally occupy northeastern Syria since the war began on March 2011 to remove its President, Bashar al-Assad and…

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Geopolitics, Media Analysis, Music & Entertainment

An Insult to Our Intelligence: The Chinese Spy Balloon Conspiracy Theory

Timothy Alexander Guzman, Silent Crow News – What ever happened to the Chinese spy balloon story? Observing the mainstream-media, barely a word is spoken about the incident, in fact, the story is almost non-existent not unless a host on Fox news or CNN mentions it in a rant against the Chinese government.  It is standard propaganda.  The US government is…

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Colonialism & Occupation, Geopolitics, Media Analysis, World History

China’s Peace Initiatives in the Middle East and Ukraine, US-NATO War Plans for the World

Timothy Alexander Guzman, Silent Crow News – What if there was a new approach to global affairs where wars and regime change were a thing of the past and was replaced with diplomacy and respect?  Let’s face it, the last five centuries or so, European and American hegemonic ambitions have basically made the world a dangerous place.  From European colonialism…

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Geopolitics, Global Economy, Media Analysis

The Chinese Document, “US Hegemony and Its Perils”. The U.S. is a “Paper Tiger”. Geopolitical Analysis by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, Global Research – It is widely believed that the Internet offers endless amounts of independent information. This is false. The Internet offers government agencies and monied interests endless opportunities to lavishly fund websites that advance official and self-serving agendas.  There is very little truth on the internet.   The few places where it exists are demonized…

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Geopolitics, Global Economy, Media Analysis, The New Economy

In a Multipolar World, the Idea of a New World Order Dies

Timothy Alexander Guzman, Silent Crow News – When former US President and war criminal George W. Bush and his neocon regime launched their anti-terrorism campaign after the September 11th attacks, he declared that “Every nation, in every region, now has a decision to make. Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists.”  Western threats against the Global South…

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Geopolitics, Media Analysis, Technology

New Cold War Propaganda: About China’s Spy Balloon and the US Spy Planes that have Violated the Airspace of Sovereign Nations

Timothy Alexander Guzman, Silent Crow News –Washington’s political establishment says China was spying on US sovereign territory with what China has called their ‘weather balloon.  China’s Foreign Affairs Ministry Spokesperson issued a statement: The airship is from China. It is a civilian airship used for research, mainly meteorological, purposes. Affected by the Westerlies and with limited self-steering capability, the airship…

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Geopolitics, Media Analysis, Science & Medicine

New Zealand’s Modern-Day Dystopia. The Imposition of Medical Tyranny

Firearms Banned, ‘New Dawn’ Magazine Censored, and the New Prime Minister Once Suggested Hunting Down the Unvaccinated, So What Could Go Possibly Wrong? Timothy Alexander Guzman, Silent Crow News – There is an interesting correlation in New Zealand between banning Semi-Automatic Weapons, its Covid-19 lockdowns and now censorship of a popular news magazine called ‘New Dawn’ which seems like old…

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Geopolitics, Media Analysis

A War Russia Set to Win

M. K. Bhadrakumar, – Two massive terrorist strikes misfired spectacularly and a terrible beauty is born in the Ukraine war. These two carefully planned attacks in quick succession — on Nord Stream gas pipelines and Crimean Bridge — were intended as a knockout blow to Russia. According to President Vladimir Putin, people ‘who want to finally sever ties between Russia…

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Colonialism & Occupation, Geopolitics, Media Analysis

The Road to World War III: How US-NATO Forces Turned Libya into Hell on Earth

Timothy Alexander Guzman, Silent Crow News – The war in Ukraine is basically about the US-NATO’s long-term plan to destroy Russia’s rise as a major player on the world stage.  In 2019, The Rand Corporation published ‘Overextending and Unbalancing Russia: Assessing the Impact of Cost-Imposing Options’ which recommended several measures that would essentially disrupt Russia’s inevitable rise.  The Rand Corporation’s…

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