Geopolitics, Media Interviews and Opinions

Interview with Kevin Barret “The Coming War on Lebanon: Israel, Saudi Arabia and the U.S. Prepare for a Long-Planned Middle East War”

Truth Jihad Radio with Kevin Barrett on December 5th, 2017 “Timothy Guzman on his new GlobalResearch article: “The Coming War on Lebanon: Israel, Saudi Arabia and the U.S. Prepare for a Long-Planned Middle East War” Today’s guest Timothy Guzman says that Netanyahu and his Likudnik Zionist extremists, enabled by Trump and Bin Salman, are about to start a big war…

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Geopolitics, Media Interviews and Opinions

Opinion: US Sticks to Tried and True Policy of Supporting Coups

Timothy Alexander Guzman, Silent Crow News – US President Barack Obama revealed the United States’ involvement in the Ukrainian crisis from its outset and admitted that the United States “had brokered a deal to transition power in Ukraine.”  MOSCOW, February 2 (Sputnik) — US President Barack Obama’s recent interview with CNN’s Fareed Zakiria reveals the United States’ involvement in the Ukrainian…

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Geopolitics, Media Interviews and Opinions

OPINION: UN Unlikely To Recognize Donetsk, Luhansk as Democratic Republics Because of US

Timothy Alexander Guzman, Silent Crow News – © RIA Novosti. Evgeny Biyatov MOSCOW, May 13 (RIA Novosti), Daria Chernyshova – Countries around the world are likely to recognize Donetsk and Luhansk as democratic republics, however the United Nations influenced by the US will not agree with the initiative, Timothy Alexander Guzman, an independent researcher and writer, told RIA Novosti Tuesday. «Although…

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