
Israel in preparation for another War with Hezbollah

Timothy Alexander Guzman, Silent Crow News -As the Obama Administration is in preparation for a war in Syria, the state of Israel is deploying an Iron Dome anti-rocket battery to counter Hezbollah’s Katyusha rockets that landed on Israeli territory during the conflict between both Israel and Hezbollah in Lebanon back in 2006, which resulted in Israel’s defeat.  The Jerusalem Post just reported the move by the Israeli Defense Forces Friday morning.  “The IDF deployed an Iron Dome anti-rocket battery in the Haifa area early Friday morning, amid heightened tensions in the North stemming from the ongoing Syrian civil war.”  The Chief of Staff of the IDF Lt. General Benny Gantz told newly trained pilots who were “receiving their wings” at the Hatzerim Air Base to be ready for war:

The region is shaking, from south to north. Syria is hemorrhaging blood, and in Lebanon, the fire has begun to catch the edge of Nasrallah’s robe. In the face of this changing reality, we must be prepared, coordinated and alert, more than ever. You, the graduates, have from now on an inseparable part in safeguarding our readiness against these challenges

Hezbollah fired over 3,000 Katyusha artillery rockets at Israel during the war.  Israel is ready to invade Lebanon full-force to remove them as an obstacle to their war plans against Syria and eventually Iran.  The Anti-Assad rebels recently have been also targeting Hezbollah territories with rockets fired from Syria and in Lebanon.  The United States and its allies have been using the “divide and conquer” strategy to ignite tensions between Sunnis and Shiites with the purpose of creating chaos in the volatile area between Israel and Syria.  If that were to succeed as planned then Israel could launch strikes against Hezbollah forces with the intention of assassinating key members and crippling their artillery.  Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon said recently that “An exercise on the Golan Heights is not just a theoretical exercise,” Netanyahu said after watching a brief part of the multi-day drill on the central Golan. “The situation around us has changed swiftly. It is volatile and dynamic, and we need to be prepared accordingly.” With the Western backed rebels creating chaos in Lebanon, Israel can attack Hezbollah at a moments notice.  But Hezbollah is prepared for such an attack.  They have military capabilities that defeated one of the most powerful militaries in the world (Israel) back in 2006.

Israel is making all preparations possible including spying on Hezbollah members which was also reported by The Jerusalem Post ‘Inside the IDF Combat Unit: Monitoring Hezbollah,’ As the “Post’ joins intelligence battalion drilling for war in North; Unit collects crucial data for would be confrontation in Lebanon.” IDF soldiers are collecting information on the activities of Hezbollah members so that they would be immediately targeted during a war.  “The battalion-the second largest in the IDF-this week completed a grueling five-week training drill in the upper Galilee, designed to prepare its members for all eventualities.  During continuous security missions, the battalion expands the IDF’s target list, which will be activated during a future outbreak of war.”  Targeted assassinations of key members of Hezbollah including its leader Hasan Nasrallah will be one of Israel’s key strategies.  Israel assassinated Hezbollah’s previous leader Abbas al Musawi  in 1992 when an Israeli Apache helicopter fired missiles killing al-Musawi and his family that included his infant son.  “Once hostilities erupt, the battalion provides an instant intelligence picture of developments in the field, enabling the IDF to quickly direct devastating , accurate firepower at enemy positions” the report said.  Lt. Col Yiftah Siboni, the battalion’s commander said “We monitor Hezbollah and update the list of targets for attack.  We’re continuously adding targets to the list.  This is the core aspect of our activities.”  As he continued “We are hunters, not fisherman.  We don’t wait around for something to bite, but rather seek out the targets.”  Israel is planning to attack northern Lebanon in the near future as the US and NATO allies plan an invasion of Syria if the Western-backed rebels fail to remove Syrian President Bashar Hafez al-Assad.  Syria is the main target, but Hezbollah is the obstacle.

Is Israel’s plan to create war and chaos along with its Western allies in the Middle East that would last decades in its best interest? Do Israeli citizens want this war that can affect their way of life for generations to come?  Citizens in Israel, Lebanon, Syria, Iran and elsewhere from all walks of life whether Sunni, Shiite, Christian, Jewish, rich and poor all understand the horrors of war.  If Israel and the West continue this path to war starting with Hezbollah and then Syria and eventually Iran, it will inflame the entire Middle East.  World War III is on the horizon.  Is the world ready for such a catastrophic event that is going to take place?  I hope we do not get to that point, but then again, we shall soon see.


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