
French Military Intervention in the Levant? War with Hezbollah on the Horizon?

France to Deliver Military Equipment and Advisors to Lebanon for at least 10 Years with Saudi Arabian Funds

Timothy Alexander Guzman, Silent Crow News – Saudi Arabia is funding the French government’s military apparatus for a future conflict involving the Lebanese government and the terrorist groups such as ISIS and Al-Nusra. Reuters reported that “France will start delivering military equipment to the Lebanese army in the first quarter of 2015 as part of a $3 billion contract to help the force fight jihadis from neighboring Syria, a French defense ministry source said on Wednesday.” No surprise that the Saudi Monarchy would fund France’s own Military-Industrial Complex because they claim that they are concerned with both the “Sunni and Shi’ite threat” of these organizations. What is more relevant to this development is what Reuters reported concerning the Saudi Monarchy:

The contract has been funded by Sunni Muslim power Saudi Arabia which is keen to beef up Lebanon’s ability to counter what it sees as threats to the region from both hardline Sunni groups and Lebanon’s own Shi’ite Muslim movement Hezbollah

Is Hezbollah, a threat to the region? A Shi’ite movement that has supported Syrian President Bashar al-Assad against Western backed rebels”? Reuters reported what France will send beginning in 2015:

The deal will involve about 20 French companies and cover a mix of land, sea and air equipment, including armored vehicles, heavy artillery, anti-tank missiles, mortars and assault weapons, the source said. “We are aiming to start delivery from the first quarter of 2015, then every six months, until the delivery of helicopters,” over a total period of 36 months, said the source, speaking on condition of anonymity. Intelligence and surveillance material, including drones, would also be sent and Paris would provide lightly-armed armed patrol boats as well as combat and transport helicopters, the source told Reuters

It is important to note that the report did not state how long French military advisors will stay in Lebanon. It also means that France is on board with the U.S. and Israel’s long term strategy of destabilizing Syria:

Beyond the technical training for the equipment, France also agreed to provide operational training which will mean that the contract won’t end after the final delivery and will last 10 years,” the source added, declining to say how many French military advisers would stay on

What Lebanon’s government officials are saying is that they fear these terrorists groups will eventually “open up new supply routes between Syria and Lebanon as winter unfolds” according to Reuters. What the Saudi’s and the French are preparing for is war against Hezbollah as I wrote back in 2013 in an article called ‘Israel in Preparation for another War with Hezbollah.’ It stated what the U.S. and its allies have been planning for some time:

The Anti-Assad rebels recently have been also targeting Hezbollah territories with rockets fired from Syria and in Lebanon. The United States and its allies have been using the “divide and conquer” strategy to ignite tensions between Sunnis and Shiites with the purpose of creating chaos in the volatile area between Israel and Syria

The Saudi’s are hoping that France could assist the U.S. and Israel in defeating Hezbollah. That is the real reason behind the Saudi-French deal. According to Reuter’s source, “Riyadh had been concerned that some of the weapons could fall into Hezbollah’s hands” and that “We’ll be there for 10 years. I don’t see how Hezbollah is going to drive away with a Caesar tank if we are around,” the source said. “The fact we’ll be on the ground is a sort of insurance for our client and partners.” Yes, insurance for Western Imperialism to rule over the natural resource rich Middle East. That is the bottom line. Al Jazeera reported back in 2010 that Wikileaks exposed Saudi Arabia’s intentions, “Saudi Arabia has proposed setting up an Arab force to fight Hezbollah group in Lebanon with the help of the United States, UN and Nato, a leaked US diplomatic cable claims” which means that Saudi Arabia has been in talks with the West for a plan to defeat Hezbollah for some time. “The cable, which was revealed by WikiLeaks on Tuesday, quotes Saud al-Faisal, the Saudi foreign minister, as saying in a meeting with US ambassador to Iraq David Satterfield in May 2008 that a “security response” was needed to the “military challenge” posed to Beirut by the Iran-backed group” the report said. The Middle East is now a powder keg ready to explode. Keep in mind that U.S. midterm elections produced a Republican controlled U.S. Senate with warmonger John McCain, who is expected to become chairman of the Armed Services Committee in January 2015.


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