Timothy Alexander Guzman, Silent Crow News – If Biden steals this election, it will be Obama 2.0. If Biden’s mental health declines, Vice-President-Elect Kamala Harris, one of the most unpopular democrats in modern history will be the President at least for the short term. The question is who will be her vice-president? Both of the US political parties, the Democrats and the Republicans are a one-party system controlled by special interests no matter who is president. It’s fair to say that Trump’s foreign policy was heading towards a dangerous path to a world war as I have written about in the past. Many of Trump’s foreign policies are similar to past administrations whether they were Democrats and Republican, the only difference that I can say is that he did not start any new wars, he continued ongoing wars that was launched by his predecessors. Trump’s domestic policies are mixed at best with an economy built on debt through its Federal Reserve’s printing press that can never be repaid jeopardizing the US economy and it’s US dollar-based hegemony which are already in a steady decline. However, on a good note about the Trump presidency is that he secured America’s 2nd amendment rights (an important right to have during uncertain times), expanded school choice for families and he cut taxes for individuals’ and small businesses. Despite a handful of successes on the domestic front, his foreign policy is dangerous for world peace. However, it’s fair to say Trump is a different type of politician, one who openly expressed how he felt about certain people in politics or in Hollywood and the mainstream-media (MSM) hated all of it, they despised Trump. The Democratic party has been planning this scenario the day after Hillary Clinton lost the elections to Donald Trump in 2016 with the Russia-Gate Hoax, allegations of sexual assaults, racism and other anti-Trump shenanigans to remove the President. The Democrats were going to steal the 2020 elections no matter what with help from the MSM. If the Supreme court reverses Biden’s election win to a loss, giving Trump the victory by January 20th,violence will erupt on US streets leading to a civil war among the American people, and that is certain.
Stolen Elections and Biden’s Voter Fraud Organization
This election was rigged by the Democratic party, plain and simple. The so-called “President-Elect” Joe Biden has admitted unconsciously that they put together an extensive “voter fraud” organization in U.S. history:
One of Trump’s lawyers fighting the election fraud, Sidney Powell, said that 450,000 ballots was found in several key states with “only votes for Biden and no down-ballot selections, which she regarded as suspicious” according to a recent New York Post article who also said that Powell claimed that “two pieces of software called Hammer and Scorecard were used to flip votes from Trump to Biden in some pre-election voting ballots.”
In Michigan, the vote had increased at one point to over 130,000 votes for Biden in the middle of the night, without a single new vote for Trump while most people were asleep:
In Pennsylvania, former New York City Mayor and Trump’s attorney Rudy Giuliani made a press statement on the fact that dead people were voting in Philadelphia:
There will be many more whistleblowers, pollsters that were denied the access to observe the vote count and average voters who will be exposing Biden’s election as a fraud in the coming days, weeks and months. This is just the beginning.
Mainstream Media Censorship In Your Face
This is perhaps the most in your face evidence that media censorship has been legitimized against President Trump. The MSM now is fact-checking Trump in real-time claiming that he is stating false-facts:
A Coming American Coup D’état?
The Biden regime had issued a warning to President Donald Trump “declaring that trespassers will be removed from the White House.” Former sportscaster Keith Olbermann has even called for a coup against President Trump:
The 2020 election was stolen from Trump, no doubt about that, However, Trump and his administration knew that the Democrats were going to commit fraud through mail-in ballots. The US just became a banana republic, a dictatorship with Orwellian overtones that will ensure a Democratic and the Neocon Republican establishment that will move forward with an American-style scientific based-dictatorship. Biden has prematurely announced a Covid-19 task force that will include planned lockdowns, vaccine mandates and mandatory facemasks due to an increase in Covid-19 cases. The US is surely heading towards what George Orwell has warned the world about. Make no mistake about it, there will be a resistance, a human resistance that will ultimately prevail against evil, and that I can say with certainty.