The John’s Hopkins Center for Health Security’s Project on Finding Ways to Push Future Experimental Vaccines on the Public
Timothy Alexander Guzman, Silent Crow News – It seems that Covid-19 was only the first of many more variants to emerge in the future since there are over “4,000 variants” at least according to a Reuters report on what the UK’s Vaccine Deployment minister, Nadhim Zahawi had said back in February that “all manufacturers, Pfizer-Biontech, Moderna, Oxford-AstraZeneca and others are looking at how they can improve their vaccine to make sure that we are ready for any variant – there are about 4,000 variants around the world of Covid now.” Governments, Big Pharma, and the media can now create a permanent state of fear with new emerging variants of Covid-19. Just imagine, 4,000 different variants of the Corona virus that they can now use to expand government control with future lockdowns and to continuously promote experimental vaccines. It is un-debatable at this point, they clearly do not want to end the pandemic. For decades, bio-weapons exercises based on future scenarios with various outbreaks of contagious diseases have taken place including Dark Winter in 2001, Clade-X in 2018, Event 201 in 2019 and others were conducted under U.S. government agencies in partnership with the World Health Organization (WHO) and other participants from non-governmental organizations (NGOs). One of the NGO’s who established a fictional scenario for future pandemics called Crimson Contagion in 2019 envisioned a corona virus pandemic in the near future by the Center for Health Security (CHS) who is under the John’s Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. The CHS receives financial and political support from a number of familiar billionaire-funded organizations and government agencies including the Rockefeller Foundation, the Bill &Melinda Gates Foundation, WHO and the Department of Defense (DOD).
Another project which is described as a “mental exercise” took place back in October 2017, and finally published on March 25th 2020 called ‘The SPARS Pandemic 2025-2028: A Futuristic Scenario for Public Health Risk Communications‘ which is a “futuristic scenario that illustrates communication dilemmas concerning medical countermeasures (MCMs) that could plausibly emerge in the not-so-distant future.” The main purpose of this Project was to mentally rehearse a proper response during another pandemic while facing the possible consequences of the actions taken or not taken during a real crisis. “At the same time, readers have a chance to consider what potential measures implemented in today’s environment might avert comparable communication dilemmas or classes of dilemmas in the future.” In the exercise, they describe the world as divided and all have access to alternative information so they developed a storyline based on expert opinions and historical accounts of “past medical countermeasure crises, contemporary media reports, and scholarly literature in sociology, emergency preparedness, health education, and risk and crisis communication” to identify what “communication challenges” they will most likely face in a future public health emergency given the fact that government officials are already saying that there are roughly, 4,000 variants. The report focuses on various fronts including new technologies that can be used such as internet accessing technology (IAT) that is “thin, flexible screens that can be temporarily attached to briefcases, backpacks, or clothing and used to stream content from the internet” and another platform called ZapQ that “enables users to aggregate and archive selected media content from other platforms and communicate with cloud-based social groups based on common interests and current events.” The authors admit that although these technologies has increased the means to share more news articles and videos, the public on the other hand rather choose the option to “self-restrict the sources they turn to for information” thus creating what they like to call “Echo Chambers” which they described as “a world comprised of isolated and highly fragmented communities with widespread access to information technology—dubbed “the echo-chamber”—was selected as the future in which the prospective scenario would take place.” So they created a scenario where the public is bypassing information from the government and public health sources in favor of alternative information:
The following narrative comprises a futuristic scenario that illustrates communication dilemmas concerning medical countermeasures (MCMs) that could plausibly emerge in the not-so-distant future. Its purpose is to prompt users, both individually and in discussion with others, to imagine the dynamic and oftentimes conflicted circumstances in which communication around emergency MCM development, distribution, and uptake takes place. While engaged with a rigorous simulated health emergency, scenario readers have the opportunity to mentally “rehearse” responses while also weighing the implications of their actions
So the future is in mid-October 2025 in a place called St. Paul, Minnesota where three church members of the First Baptist Church had died. Two of the church members had been in a missionary trip to the Philippines, all had symptoms of the flu. However, in the original patients reports submitted by doctors, they had only guessed that they had died from the flu and that this flu strain could be deadly and could eventually be widespread, but the laboratory test results turned out to be negative for influenza thanks to the health officials from the Minnesota Department of Health’s Public Health Laboratory who “had sent the patients’ clinical specimens to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), where scientists confirmed that the patients did not have influenza.” In the exercise, the future of human health will obviously rely on the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) who will still use today’s version of the fraudulent PCR-RT testing kit they call the “pancoronavirus RT-PCR test” that confirmed the new outbreak as “a novel coronavirus“ they call the St. Paul Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus or SPARS:
One CDC scientist recalled reading a recent ProMed dispatch describing the emergence of a novel coronavirus in Southeast Asia, and ran a pancoronavirus RT-PCR test. A week later, the CDC team confirmed that the three patients were, in fact, infected with a novel coronavirus, which was dubbed the St. Paul Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (SPARS-CoV, or SPARS), after the city where the first cluster of cases had been identified
The CDC says SPARS can be spread through droplets, “The CDC initially recommended that everyone diligently maintain hand hygiene and frequently disinfect potentially contaminated surfaces.” Here we go again! How will the medical mafia handle social gatherings that can potentially become what they coin as a super-spreader event?
Public health officials were concerned that the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday and Black Friday shopping activities would facilitate the spread of SPARS, but they remained confident that the awareness and prevention messages disseminated annually for seasonal influenza, combined with isolation procedures for suspected cases, would be effective at countering the spread of SPARS. These messages were spread via a variety of traditional and social media sources, including Facebook, Instagram, Reddit, Twitter, and ZapQ
As the scenario moved-forward, the results of the new outbreak do not resemble what health officials had concluded during the Covid-19 pandemic which did not affect children and other groups, but this time, the story has a different twist, the SPARS variant now affects more children, pregnant women and those of course who suffer from underlying health conditions especially those with chronic respiratory conditions including asthma and emphysema:
First, the virus had an extended incubation period (seven to ten days) compared to its latent period (four to five days). Thus, infected persons could spread the virus for up to nearly a week before showing symptoms of the disease themselves. As a result, isolating sick SPARS patients proved to be less effective than isolating patients infected by other, better-characterized respiratory diseases. Second, morbidity and mortality from SPARS were both significantly higher in children than adults. Pregnant women and those with chronic respiratory conditions like asthma and emphysema were also at a higher risk for both disease complications and death
The WHO was notified about the new outbreak from various countries although the UN agency is not prepared for a SPARS-like pandemic since their procedures are basically used for trying to stop the spread of the flu and other respiratory illnesses:
By mid-December, SPARS cases were reported in 26 states, and the Ministries of Health in Mexico, Canada, Brazil, Japan, and several European countries had notified the WHO of dozens of imported cases. There was widespread concern in public health circles that travel over the Christmas and New Year’s holidays would spark a global pandemic. The WHO, which had declared the SPARS epidemic to be a PHEIC on November 25, was actively engaged in preventing further spread of the disease internationally. However, the WHO’s efforts promoted interventions originally designed for influenza and other similar respiratory pathogens, such as hygiene, social distancing, and isolation of suspected cases, all of which were less effective against SPARS
The search for a new vaccine to combat the Spars pandemic is now underway, so do they have a solution to fight SPARS for the time-being? The authors of the study came up with “Kalocivir,” a SPARS therapeutic used in the US. Meanwhile, another possible breakthrough drug had surfaced about a new type of animal vaccine that might work against the SPARS outbreak:
Shortly after authorizing expanded access to Kalocivir for select patients, the FDA received reports of an animal vaccine developed by GMI, a multinational livestock conglomerate operating cattle and pig farms in, among other places, Southeast Asia. Since 2021, ranchers had been using the vaccine to prevent a SPARS-like respiratory coronavirus disease in cows and pigs in the Philippines and other Southeast Asian countries. Data provided by GMI suggested that the vaccine was effective at preventing SPARS-like illnesses in cows, pigs, and other hooved mammals, but internal trials revealed several worrisome side effects, including swollen legs, severe joint pain, and encephalitis leading to seizures or death. Because any animals experiencing these side effects were immediately killed, and because animals were typically slaughtered within a year of vaccination, further information regarding the short- and long-term effects of the GMI vaccine was unavailable
GMI is a multinational livestock conglomerate who operates cattle and pig farms in various areas of the world including in Southeast Asia now has an animal vaccine that can help humans fight SPARS?
Here is where the new GMI vaccine became similar to the roll-out of the Covid-19 vaccines in 2020 in terms of providing liability protections for the pharmaceutical industry such as CynBio who was awarded with a government contract to produce a similar vaccine to the GMI model:
Lacking a viable alternative—and considering the potentially high morbidity and mortality associated with SPARS (at the time the case fatality rate was still considered to be 4.7%)—the United States government contacted GMI in regards to the vaccine. After laboratory tests confirmed that the coronavirus affecting livestock in Southeast Asia was closely related to SPARS-CoV, the US began an extensive review of GMI’s animal vaccine development and testing processes. Shortly thereafter, federal health authorities awarded a contract to CynBio, a US-based pharmaceutical company, to develop a SPARS vaccine based on the GMI model. The contract included requirements for safety testing, ensuring the vaccine would be safe and effective for human use. It also provided considerable funding from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and included provisions for priority review by the FDA. Additionally, HHS Secretary Nagel agreed in principle to invoke the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act (PREP Act), thereby providing liability protection for CynBio and future vaccine providers in the event that vaccine recipients experienced any adverse effects
In the meantime, the FDA had approved Kalocivir for Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) despite the fact that the data demonstrated a high number of adults who administered the drug had suffered from severe stomach cramps:
Following limited evidence of success in treating SPARS patients with Kalocivir, the FDA issued an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for this drug as a SPARS therapeutic in the United States. While Kalocivir had a positive impact against SPARS, preliminary data indicated it also caused intense stomach cramping in a statistically significant number of adult cases. Additionally, while initial hopes had been that Kalocivir would, in addition to treating the disease, prevent or reduce transmission, this was not the case. Nevertheless, due to high public demand for access to viable SPARS treatments, public health and healthcare agencies drew from existing SNS inventories of Kalocivir (several million doses) until further production of the drug could begin
The Information War on the Resistance
The safety and efficacy of Kalocivir was based on information provided from the CDC and the National Institute of Health (NIH) through local and national media networks, “In addition to the government agencies’ official channels of communication, messages about Kalocivir were also distributed by national and local media organizations.” But the messages evolved into a cluster of mixed messages that began to surface on social media platforms “Depending on the particular government source(s) these news agencies used, their reports differed slightly. When these messages were, in turn, shared via social media, they continued to diverge.”
The project details the coming information war on the critical skepticism on social media when it comes to Kalocivir which is similar to those who tirelessly warn the public about the dangers of vaccines today such as Robert F. Kennedy Jr. founder of the Children’s Health Defense, “Some individuals on social media, citing the CDC spokesperson’s interview, claimed that Kalocivir had not been thoroughly tested and was potentially unsafe.” continued “Others, citing parts of the CDC and NIH announcements, incorrectly claimed that while Kalocivir was safe for adults, it was possibly unsafe for children.”
Interestingly, they blame government for not countering the public’s narrative effectively, “Yet others wondered why the drug was not being administered preventatively to the entire US population. Because little actual data on the safety and efficacy of Kalocivir existed at the time, government agencies had a difficult time responding to the ever-diverging public responses on social media.”
As public distrust of Kalocivir grew, cases of SPARS had increased in more than 42 countries who experience high-rates of poverty. The public became increasingly concerned, “in the United States, the situation was much less dire, but public concern about SPARS remained high. This anxiety resulted in extensive use of Kalocivir across the country and led many citizens to actively seek out medical attention for even minor SPARS-like symptoms.” So an increasing level of panic is once again taking hold in the public domain. However, people who do not trust the new miracle cure were turning to natural cures, “Small groups of individuals spread throughout the country, for example, who felt that natural cures such as garlic and vitamins would be more effective at treating SPARS than an “untested” drug, were much less likely to accept Kalocivir as a treatment option or even seek medical attention for SPARS-like symptoms.”
There are even groups of ethnic minorities who refused Kalocivir, “similarly, some ethnic minorities, and particularly ethnic groups who lived close together in large, tight-knit communities, also rejected Kalocivir.” The authors of the study call those who reject Kalocivir, the resistance, “some of this resistance—particularly among select ethnic minority groups—was attributable to questionable messaging on the part of public health agencies.” So they were eventually forced to admit that the messages were inappropriate, “while news reports and press releases were provided in multiple languages, not all of the messages were culturally appropriate for the populations receiving them. One of the best examples of this occurred among the Navajo tribe in the southwestern United States.”
The public had also criticized Kalocivir for their traumatic side-effects on social media:
Reports of negative side effects associated with Kalocivir began gaining traction in February 2026. Despite the negative response, public health agencies continued to make progress until February, when a video of a three-year-old boy in North Carolina — who was hospitalized with SPARS and began projectile vomiting immediately after taking a dose of Kalocivir — went viral. In the video clip, the boy’s physician administers a pediatric dose of liquid Kalocivir; a few moments later, the boy begins vomiting profusely, chokes, and then faints while his mother shrieks in the background.
This clip was widely shared across the United States with a variety of captions including #NoKalocivir and #NaturalIsBetter. The hashtags, in turn, provided a way for people sharing these views to find one another and band together on social media. They formed ZapQ and other online discussion groups, which allowed them to receive any messages from group members via smart phones and internet accessing technology (IAT) instantaneously as they were posted. Some members of these ZapQ groups even began to use full-sized (12”x12”) IAT screens on backs of their jackets, coats, and backpacks to loop the vomiting video for all in their immediate vicinity to see
It seems that the authors of the project are saying that the resistance grew stronger in ways that no one could have imagined. Then fast-forward to 2026, the public’s perception of the outbreak took a turn, , they figured out that it was not as deadly as they had originally thought “By May 2026, public interest in SPARS had begun to wane” and “in late April the CDC had publicized an updated case fatality rate estimate, suggesting the SPARS was only fatal in 0.6% of cases in the United States.” So just as Covid-19, SPARS is not as dangerous as previously thought, “this figure matched public sentiment, widely expressed on social media, that SPARS was not as dangerous as initially thought.” Since SPARS is not considered to be a threat to human health, the public began to grow increasingly distrustful of practically any information that came from the medical establishment, “lower case fatality rate estimate led the public to grow increasingly hostile toward continued SPARS messaging.” Then the information war begins:
In order to overcome the public’s disinterest, the CDC and FDA, in concert with other government agencies and their social media experts, began developing a new public health messaging campaign about SPARS, Kalocivir, and the forthcoming vaccine, Corovax
A New Campaign For Another Experimental Vaccine, Corovax
Corovax, a new vaccine developed by Big Pharma will now be promoted by a group of scientists, celebrities and government officials, “among those chosen were former President Jaclyn Bennett; BZee, a popular hip-hop star; and Paul Farmer, co-founder of Partners in Health and a renowned global health expert.” In the scenario, the campaign had mixed results from its targeted audience, “While common messaging resulted in more cohesive traditional media coverage, the celebrity outreach campaign was more problematic.” In an interesting twist, rapper BZee had mentioned the Tuskegee Syphilis Study that began in 1932 and ended in 1972 which was an experiment conducted in Macon County, Alabama by the U.S. Public Health Service (PHS) to study the natural progression of syphilis on poor sharecroppers. More than 600 sharecroppers participated in the experiment who were offered free food, medical care and even burial insurance. Out of the 600 sharecroppers, 399 of them contracted syphilis while the remainder of the volunteers did not:
BZee’s original Zap clip was widely shared, particularly among African American and urban populations; however, in an interview aired on Access Hollywood during which he was asked about the accelerated clinical trials for Corovax, BZee noted his admiration for those who volunteered to participate in the trials, and then compared these recent volunteers to volunteers in previous health related studies “including the men who volunteered at Tuskegee.” The resulting backlash, particularly from African Americans, undermined the effectiveness of BZee’s efforts
The long-time news show on CBS, 60 Minutes interviewed former President Bennett on whether she would allow her newborn grandson to receive Kalocivir but was “caught off-guard, paused and eventually gave a hesitant, somewhat contradictory response: “Well, I – experts say the drug is safe. And it’s not easy, but I think…Everyone should make the decision that’s best for their family.” Then the response by the public on social media regarding Bennett’s comments went viral, “Video clips from this interview were shared widely on social media and by traditional media outlets, leading many healthcare professionals and members of the public to criticize Bennett for not taking a strong stance in support of Kalocivir.” Then it became political as it led to a group of house and senate republicans to support the use of the drug to counter the former president’s comments who happened to be a democrat:
The aftermath of the interview, however, did galvanize many House and Senate Republicans to support Kalocivir use in earnest in an effort to demonstrate their opposition to from the former Democratic President
At the end of each chapter of the project, the Food for Thought section called ‘Communication Dilemma’ asked the necessary questions for those who were participating, “Given the ability of powerful, popular figures to reinforce or to undermine public health messages, what steps might health authorities—at either national or local levels—take to reverse the negative effects of BZee’s unintended linkage of Tuskegee and Corovax, or Bennett’s tepid, uncertain support for Kalocivir?” The answer to the messaging problem was in the next chapter, Are You Talking to Me? says the following:
While government agencies were spreading the newly tooled public health messages about SPARS, Kalocivir, and Corovax through a variety of traditional and social media outlets, several popular platforms were overlooked
Meaning they would want to see government agencies and Big Pharma flood social media platforms with positive messages on the effects of Kalocivir and Corovax.
Focusing on Problematic Groups
The project’s thirteenth chapter called ‘Lovers and Haters’ focuses on groups who resist government agencies and Big Pharma. In the chapter they turn the attention on four major groups:
Early on in the Corovax vaccination campaign, anti-vaccination groups began emerging on social media platforms. These groups initially came from four primary sources: Muslim groups across the country, who opposed the vaccine on the basis that the original formulation was used to treat pigs; African Americans, who refused vaccination based on continued fear of governmental experimentation on African American populations; alternative medicine proponents, who had also been active in campaigning against Kalocivir; and anti-vaccination activists, who were galvanized by the anti-antivaccination sentiment associated with the nationwide measles outbreak in 2015
They describe opposing groups to the vaccine as unorganized and isolated who use one of the main social media platforms to spread misinformation:
With the exception of this last group, none of the anti-vaccination movements were cohesively organized initially, existing primarily in small, isolated pockets across the country. The general anti-vaccination proponents, however, existed as a core, national group long before the SPARS pandemic. Following the 2015 measles outbreak in the United States, this group united online. By 2016, they had created several primary Facebook groups and numerous Twitter accounts and began using hashtags like #NoVaccines4Me and #VaccinesKill. The anti-vaccination movement migrated to ZapQ upon its emergence in 2022 due to its ability to combine feeds from across multiple platforms, including realtime text, picture, and video messages from members as well as select traditional media posts such as videos, texts, or streaming news feeds on a single interface that could be used on IAT and other mobile platforms
The anti-vaccination movement maintains the same standards used today by messaging on social media platforms sharing important information from alternative sources:
When Corovax distribution began, the anti-vaccination movement mobilized their resources. Citing select quotes from the CDC, NIH, and other government agencies, anti-vaccine proponents began spreading the message that Corovax was inadequately tested and had unknown, long-term side effects and that natural immunity resulting from contracting the disease was a more effective means of conferring protection
A national poll takes place around mid-August 2026 “showed that 68% of US citizens had seen a post or read a comment from someone expressing anti-Corovax sentiments.” One of the groups they mention is the Arab-American community:
Concern about Corovax among American Muslims was also common, in particular Muslim immigrants to the United States. These concerns stemmed from early traditional media reports on Corovax that explained how the vaccine was a derivative of the GMI vaccine used to treat cows and pigs in Southeast Asia. After reading and viewing these reports, several local Muslim leaders mistakenly conflated the origin of the virus with the origin of the vaccine and concluded that the vaccine itself was unclean. As such, they viewed receiving the vaccine as a violation of their faith. By posting their conclusions on social media, their views quickly spread beyond their local communities, and rumors began among Muslims across the country that the vaccine was forbidden
They attempted to use prominent figures from those same communities in an effort to push their vaccine agenda which became a total failure:
When federal public health officials became aware of the opposition from Muslim communities, they organized a press conference, hosted by HHS Secretary Nagel to address these misperceptions. In this press conference, Secretary Nagel explained that Corovax was designed specifically for humans and not for pigs. She invited Imam Omar Khalifa, a prominent imam in the Washington, DC area, to speak at the press conference and he reiterated the Secretary’s points. He also called on his fellow Muslims to embrace SPARS vaccination. Assuming that this press conference, which was widely publicized and shared would effectively assuage the concerns of American Muslims, the US government continued with its existing vaccination promotional campaign. In contrast to most Christian religions, however, the Muslim faith is not at all centralized, and the statements of an imam from Washington, DC held little validity for many local Muslim communities. The influence of local imams continued to perpetuate anti-Corovax sentiments among many local Muslim communities well into the national vaccination campaign. Consequently, vaccination rates among Muslims generally lagged behind those of other demographic groups in the United States
The Crimson Contagion project was simulated in early 2019 and then that was followed-up by the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020. The SPARS Pandemic of 2025 only illustrates how the establishment would most likely respond to the public’s growing awareness of their vaccine agenda and how they will possibly counter it with effective propaganda.
But under no circumstances, the SPARS Pandemic 2025-2028 project should not be considered a clear prediction of a new virus set to emerge in 2025 because it’s basically a “mental exercise.” At the same time, it is also important to remember that a British health official has already claimed that there are over 4,000 new variants, in other words, get ready for a world full of emerging new viruses, followed-up by new lockdowns and new countermeasures including the launch of new experimental vaccines that will supposedly save your life. How much more can humanity take at this point?
I know this all sounds like another conspiracy theory ready to take place in the not-so distant future, but can we at least, be a little skeptical about a project that sounds way to familiar?