Timothy Alexander Guzman, Silent Crow News – Trump’s fame and fortune started in the real estate business with millions of dollars given to him by his father, so he should know something about land, Palestinian land that is. Trump and his Zionist son-in-law, Jared Kushner are obviously eyeing Palestinian land in Gaza and if war rages on in the West Bank, they will look at the Palestinian territories being targeted by Zionist extremists who are also known as “Jewish settlers” in the Western Media. During the signing of numerous executive orders, Trump said the following about Gaza and what it offers:
I looked at a picture of Gaza is like a massive demolition site that place is it’s really, it’s got to be rebuilt in a different way.” Trump was asked “Do you plan to help rebuilding Gaza? Trump responded with “I might, you know Gaza is interesting, it’s a phenomenal location on the sea, best weather, you know everything’s good, it’s like some beautiful things could be done with it, but it’s very interesting, but some fantastic things could be done with Gaza
Trump sounds like he’s looking at land somewhere in Florida. Trump, Kushner and his Zionist backers are all eyeing Gaza to develop condos and housing for the “Jewish people” once they attempt to force out or murder the rest of the Palestinian people. According to the Associated Press (AP), “President Donald Trump said he would like to see Jordan, Egypt and other Arab nations increase the number of Palestinian refugees they are accepting from the Gaza Strip, potentially moving out enough of the population to “just clean out” the war-torn area to create a virtual clean slate.”
In a discussion at a Harvard University event back in 2024 called ‘Middle East Dialogues: Jared Kushner in conversation with Tarek Masoud’ Masoud said, “I mean you know obviously the reason they’re not you know for example the reason the Egyptians don’t want to take the refugees in addition to of course there being the domestic unrest that could result or the instability that could result but also there are real fears on the part of Arabs and I’m sure you talked to a lot of them who think once Gazans leave Gaza, Netanyahu is never going to let them back in.”
Kushner responded with the following:
“I am not sure there is much left of Gaza at this point. So, if you think about even the construct, Gaza was not really a historical precedent. It was the result of a war. You had tribes in different places and then Gaza became a thing. Egypt used to run it and then over time different governments came in different ways so you have another War you know usually when Wars happen, you know borders are changed historically over time and so my sense is I would say how do we deal with the terror threat that is there so that it cannot be a threat to Israel or to Egypt right, I think that both sides are spending a fortune on Military I think neither side really wants to have you know a terrorist organization enclaved right between them and Gaza’s waterfront property it could be very valuable to, uh if people would focus on kind of building up, you know livelihoods you think about all the money that’s gone into this tunnel Network and into all the Munitions if that would have gone into education or innovation, what could have been done and so I think that it’s a little bit of an unfortunate situation there but I think from Israel’s perspective I would do my best to move the people out and then clean it up but I don’t think that Israel has stated that they don’t want the people to move back there afterwards”
The press was aboard Air Force One and asked Trump questions on the ongoing situation in the Middle East “President Donald Trump said he would like to see Jordan, Egypt and other Arab nations increase the number of Palestinian refugees they are accepting from the Gaza Strip, potentially moving out enough of the population to “just clean out” the war-torn area to create a virtual clean slate.”
The report said that “During a 20-minute question-and-answer session Saturday with reporters aboard Air Force One, Trump also said he has ended his predecessor’s hold on sending 2,000-pound bombs to Israel. That lifts a pressure point meant to reduce civilian casualties during Israel’s war with Hamas in Gaza, which is now halted by a tenuous ceasefire.
“We released them today,” Trump said of the bombs. “They’ve been waiting for them for a long time.” Asked why he lifted the ban on those bombs, Trump responded, “Because they bought them.”
So let me get this straight. During his campaign, Trump said he wants peace and prosperity. But with these types of statements and actions, peace in the Middle East seems like a fairy tale.
The plan is clear right from the start, bomb Gaza until no human life exists, target the West Bank and start another genocidal conflict, but this time, with 2000-pound bombs dropped on civilians and then clean up whatever is left to develop condos and private mansions on the waterfront just like they have in Miami, Florida.
So is peace possible in the Middle East with Trump and his Zionist backers in charge? The American people who voted overwhelmingly for Trump have been bamboozled, except for his MAGA supporters in the Bible-Belt who love this idea of cleaning out Gaza for the Chosen people. What a sick joke!