Celia Farber, The Solari Report – In the Western world, African leaders are invisible, until that is, they draw the ire of the Globalati, the Pandemic Curia, the WHO, and its Virus-obsessed Media.
On Wednesday March 17, the queasy, seemingly unreal news broke out of Tanzania: “We have lost our courageous leader, President John Magufuli, who has died from a heart illness,” said Tanzanian Vice President Samia Suluhu Hassan, in a television broadcast that shocked the world and revealed the new Covid-Colonial order in no uncertain terms: No matter what Magufuli may have achieved for Tanzania, trying, for example, to protect her from Covid’s economic ravages, his “denialism” meant that the world, including Tanzania, was better off without him. So much for Black Lives Matter—none of its pieties would apply to Africa’s economic liberators.
Everybody in the Covid trenches felt the shock death to be connected to Magufuli’s provocation to the global Covid industrial complex last May, when he covertly had non-human samples—from fruits, goats, sheep, and car oil—tested for Covid on the PCR test, returning positive results from a paw-paw, a quail, and a goat.
With humor, cheek, and audacity, Magufuli had crossed a line—exposing the fraud and illegitimacy of the PCR testing apparatus that the WHO relied on to justify the global lockdown, the terror, and the vaccine rollouts. After the disturbing results came in, Magufuli suspended the head of Tanzania’s National Health Laboratory, Nyambura Moremi, and formed a 10-person investigative committee. The EU had given Tanzania 27 million Euros to impose strict Covid lockdown measures, but along with the Presidents of Belarus and Burundi, Magufuli kicked the WHO out of his country.
It is no mystery why Dr. Magufuli took on the absurdity of using PCR as a frightening tool for a (putative) Corona virus.
Magufuli earned his bachelor of science in education degree, majoring in chemistry and mathematics as teaching subjects from the University of Dar es Salaam in 1988 and subsequently earned masters and doctoral degrees in chemistry, again from the University of Dar es Salaam, in 1994 and 2009, respectively. In late 2019, he was awarded an honorary doctorate by the University of Dodoma for improving the economy of the country.
In addition, he’d declared that vaccines didn’t work and were dangerous, while keeping Tanzania open for business and refusing to adhere to either social distancing or masks. Meanwhile, as though bearing out the notion that Covid only becomes a problem when a country bows to its dictates, Tanzania turned up next to no “cases” or deaths from Covid. As of March 18, the official numbers, according to Our World In Statistics were: 509 cases, 183 recovered, and 21 deaths, since Jan. 22, 2020.
On Twitter, some of his extraordinary achievements, totally absent from media reports, began to emerge:
“Magufuli will be remembered for these top 4 things:
- Moved Tanzania to a middle income country in a single term.
- Built Africa’s best electric railway, which is still a dream in the USA.
- Slaughtered corruption and plundering of TZ resources.
- Downplayed Covid-19
— Serial Tweeper
“His death is a win for imperialists who will stop at nothing until they control Africa. He was a true leader who had the interests of his people at heart.” — Generational Youth Talks
“You have to be Tanzanian to understand how great Magufuli was.” — Protas Manunited
“He was very unique in decision making. Now we go back to stealing minerals.” — Mwesiga Credius
Magufuli—who fought corruption and foreign bribes—rejected a $10 billion loan from China, banned Government officials from foreign trips, and radically cut back both the size of his cabinet, their salaries, and his own salary. It was reported that in 2019, according to Tweeter “Blacks Region,” China offered to give Tanzania a loan to expand Dar es Salaam’s port if they agreed to have no construction of a new port, have the Chinese run the port for 30 years, and provide the Chinese a 99-year lease. “President Magufuli refused, saying only a madman would sign that.”
He also fought foreign gold mines and accused them of extensive criminal corruption. Reuters reported in 2017:
“Tanzanian President John Magufuli has said he will close all the mines if mining companies delay negotiations to resolve a dispute over billions of dollars in back taxes which the government say they owe.” Magufuli himself tweeted on July 1, 2020, that the World Bank had declared Tanzania a “middle income country,” a full five years ahead of the projected schedule. “GOD BLESS TANZANIA,” he wrote.
None of this warmed him to the United States, which issued a condescending statement, reasserting that we are now the United States of Covid and Political Correctness: We offered our condolences to Tanzanians, “…as they advocate for respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms and work to combat the Covid-19 pandemic. We hope that Tanzania can move forward on a democratic and prosperous path.” The frosty statement seemed to suggest that Magufuli had done none of the above, but that it would all be achieved now that he was out of the way.
What right do we have to condemn the late Magufuli’s Covid “denialism” when they show 21 deaths and we report over 500,000? (A false number through and through.) Maybe “Covid denialism” is the best policy ever? Maybe, like Goethe’s Forest King, it only kills if you’re afraid of it and believe in it.
Certainly, Magufuli’s death was unexpected. The Tanzanian anti-corruption populist, nicknamed “the bulldozer,” seemed the very picture of health. Yet he’d not been seen since Feb. 27, creating a lot of innuendo and predictive programming from his foes that he was hidden away somewhere, dying of Covid. The idea that he’d died of a heart condition, while being treated in a hospital for it, also seemed far-fetched, for such a relatively young and energetic leader.
If this was true, that Magufuli’s heart had given out, it’s impossible to underestimate how many sworn enemies of his radical, unapologetic, anti-globalist economic policies were thanking their lucky stars, some of them openly.
Tanzanians, meanwhile, wailed, cried, and screamed as the body of their beloved leader was driven through Dar es Salaam to lay in state:
You’d never have a clue Magufuli was loved in his country at all if you only looked at Western media headlines, consistent in their icy Covid-Imperial tone—projecting that Magufuli was rightfully swept away by the very “virus” he “denied” while alive.
None of the corporate media outlets—not one—quoted Vice President Samia Suluhu Hassan’s statement that President Magufuli had died of a heart condition. It was as if that particular international event did not occur—as if the story’s spin was coordinated and pre-written, which should surprise none of us. Instead, the world’s press (outside of Africa) ran almost identical headlines, reducing Magufuli’s 6-year transformative reign to a spitting contest over his “Covid denialism,” while pushing an unsourced “rumor” he’d died of Covid.
Some typical headlines:
“John Magufuli: Tanzania’s President dies aged 61 after Covid rumours” —BBC News
“John Magufuli, Tanzania leader who played down Covid, dies at 61″ —The New York Times
“Tanzania’s Covid-19 denying president, John Magufuli, dead at 61” —New York Post
“Tanzania’s President John Magufuli who urged citizens ‘to pray coronavirus away’ has died” —CNN
“Tanzania’s Covid-skeptic leader Magufuli dies after weeks of rumors about his health” —NBC News
“Tanzania’s Covid-Denying President, John Magufuli, dies aged 61” —The Guardian
They all drew their disapproving angle, curiously, not from the Tanzanian government’s official statement, but from Kenyan TV (KTV), which bore him political hostility.
The rumor (which displaced the Tanzanian Vice President’s statement) was never even attributed to a named source, but also included the secondary rumor that Magufuli had had to be flown to Kenya—or possibly India—to be treated for his top-secret “Covid” (the new AIDS—multi-faceted weapon that can be used against political enemies for virtually any desired outcome).
Some cited an “opposition leader.” Beyond the borders of Western media, the source of the internationally quoted rumor came clear: The man Magufuli defeated in the last election: Tundu Lissu, who, from exile in Europe, became the oracle on what had killed Magufuli. “Covid took him down,” Lissu was quoted by several newspapers as saying, even adding, cruelly: “It’s poetic justice,” and of course, the banal and ubiquitous accusation, designed to attract reward biscuits from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation:
“He denied science.”
In this tweet, Lissu draws the post-Colonial/Virus-Colonial line in the sand, making clear how he sees Tanzania’s future, as one of “science” and “international cooperation.”
The Deccan Herald openly ran headlines quoting Lissu as an authority on Magufuli’s death:
Magufuli died from coronavirus, says Tanzania opposition leader
The Deccan Herald | March 18, 2021
The Guardian had even gone so far as to call for Magufuli to be “reined in.”
It’s time for Africa to rein in Tanzania’s anti-vaxxer president
The Guardian | February 8, 2021
Is this language not flatly racist? Or is Pharma-Colonialism a blank check for the racism that is prohibited in other contexts?
Author, broadcaster, and nutritionist Keidi Obi Awabu commented in his broadcast devoted to Magufuli’s death:
“Opposition politicians seem to be the darlings of the Western Press.”
The Independent ran with a similar headline that didn’t clarify at all that it had no actual sources for its assertion that Magufuli was sick with “Covid.”
History Repeats Itself
The hammering of the international media against Magufuli was a traumatic reenactment of how they maligned and attacked former South African President Thabo Mbeki 20 years ago, for stepping off the beaten pharmaceutical NGO path on HIV/AIDS.
Colonialism in Africa has been replaced by what I call “Virus Colonialism,” which demands that every nation fall in line with the WHO’s declared pandemics, from HIV to Covid. They must not question any facet of the so-called “science,” which occludes a vast array of incalculable injuries inflicted on Africa in the name of these putative viral emergencies. God forbid they themselves decide what their government health policies and priorities should be. Colonialism never dies; it just takes on new forms.
The Paw-Paw Incident
While Mbeki invited 33 HIV experts to Pretoria in 2000, from both sides of the HIV causation and medication debate (and was forced to resign over it), Magufuli did something much simpler, but possibly even more provocative to the Globalist Colonial Powers. In early May, he stood before cameras and narrated the results of a Tanzanian government experiment that quite literally blew a hole in the hull of the entire Covid Propaganda Ship. He had understood that the PCR Covid “test” was creating the mass illusion of sickness and death to come, by counting “cases,” and decided to see just how reliable the test was. The results were as shocking as they were comical.
Speaking slowly and deliberately, Magufuli said: “We took samples from goats. We took samples from sheep. We took samples from a paw-paw. We even took samples from car oil.” He went on to say they had taken samples also from “other things” which included: jackfruit, a kware bird, and a rabbit. They gave all the non-human samples human names and ages, and this was the result he announced:
The car oil (named Jabil Hamza, male, 30) came back negative on the PCR test. The jackfruit (named Sara Samuel, 45,) was inconclusive. The paw-paw fruit, “We named it Elizabeth Ane,” he said. “The results of the paw-paw came back positive—that it has Corona. That means the liquid from the paw-paw is positive.” The bird sample was also positive, as was the goat sample.
Smiling in the sun, Magufuli said, displaying his subtle sense of humor: “That means all the paw-paws should be in isolation also.” He then wondered whether “…all the goats that we have here,” or at least the one which tested positive, “…should also be in isolation.”
He’d made his point, but he was also serious: He instructed the Tanzanian security forces to investigate what he saw as clear corruption with these so-called test kits. He understood that the test was the gateway for the overtaking, by WHO and its satellite forces, of Tanzania’s population, economy, civil liberties, and resources.
Population Control Disguised as Charity
“There is something happening,” he said. “I said before we should not accept that every aid is meant to be good for this nation.” In another talk he said: “Vaccines are dangerous,” and also stressed the common-sense observation: “We have lived for over a year without the virus and the good evidence is most of you don’t wear masks.”
As a PhD chemist, Magufuli held a post as an industrial chemist in Tanzania for many years, and even blew the whistle on the sterilizing effects of the Gardasil vaccine:
“In a certain country, its girl children – aged below 14 years – were vaccinated against what was said to be cervical cancer, but it later emerged that the vaccination was meant to make them infertile,” he said.
Beneath the Covid war lies a spiritual battle which many Christians see as nothing less than a Satanic attack. This is another front that the secular international media, accusing Magufuli of “denying science,” attacked and mocked him on.
He called Covid “the devil” (shatani) and said that it “cannot live in the body of Christ.” Dr. Stella Immanuel, from America’s Frontline Doctors, made similar points in her speeches, stressing that the fear itself was diabolical and was killing people.
Magufuli’s “paw-paw” video went viral on social media, among the ever-growing ranks of Covid “skeptics,” who’d understood that the PCR test, which its inventor Kary Mullis always stressed was not designed to identify “infection” with a virus, but could take any single molecule, and mass-amplify it, as one can cast shadows on a wall and make them appear fearsome.
A bio-tech illusion, used to collapse the economy and freedom of the entire world.
One of many examples of Magufuli’s successes, here is a photo of the airport in Dar es Salaam, rebuilt on his watch:

On Feb. 24, days before the last time he was seen, Magufuli was in rare form, unveiling a massive road project in Dar es Salaam, and stressing that only the ruling CCM party could have achieved this. His mantra was “Hapa Kazi Tu” (Work Is My Only Focus). “Tanzania is a rich country,” he said. “We have to use our wealth in order to develop.”
Most ironically, one of the last things his people ever heard him say was in answer to the question of how the project was finished on time. “It was completed on time because no-one used Corona as an excuse to delay it,” he said, applauding the contractors and instructing government officials not to even think of using Covid as an excuse to delay the development of Tanzania’s critical infrastructure projects. His last public appearance ended with a choir serenading him.
Kenyan attorney, scholar, and former Director of Kenya Anti-Corruption Commission Patrick Lumumba is a great admirer of Magufuli. After a sit-down meeting with Magufuli, he coined a new verb: “To magulify.”
He explained:
“What is ‘to magulify’? To magulify, which we will not find in the English dictionary but I hope it will find a place in the next issue of the dictionary…is to create an environment where resources are used efficiently, to create an environment where leadership is disciplined, and to serve one’s country with dedication and in the spirit of patriotism. When you say and do that, then, you have been magulified.”
May his eternal spirit protect Tanzania from the worthless PCR test, from Covid terror, lockdown, and all the internationally sanctioned plunders Magufuli gave his life to keep at bay.
That paw-paw, “Elizabeth Ane,” that goat, and that quail, with their positive Covid tests, will forever be a thorn in the side of the Covid industrial complex, thanks to the ingenuity and courage of John Pombe Magufuli.
Rest in Peace.