Education & Society, Geopolitics, Media Analysis

Order Out of Chaos? The Hegelian Dialectic and Conspiracy Theories

Timothy Alexander Guzman, Silent Crow News“In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way” those were the words of Franklin D. Roosevelt.  I remember reading Caitlin Johnstone’s article, It’s Not That Trump Is Good, It’s That Biden Was Just That Bad’ which had me thinking about how bad genocide Joe actually was against the Palestinians, how he led the world to nuclear brinkmanship with Russia, tightening sanctions against countries who don’t obey Washington such as Iran, Russia and China, his mass immigration policies and so on showed how terrible he was.  Johnstone said “Remember this: it’s not that Trump is good, it’s that Democrats are just that bad. Biden’s completely unconditional facilitation of Israeli atrocities has actually been the exception rather than the norm among US presidents, as Trita Parsi explained in Foreign Policy last April. From what we are seeing so far, Trump is just returning things to their horrible standard baseline.”  Johnstone continued:

Trump will go on to do many evil things as president, just as he did during his first term, but none of this will reverse the fact that Biden just spent four years advancing genocide, nuclear brinkmanship and authoritarianism. The Democratic Party plays just as crucial a role in promoting the tyranny and abuse of the US empire as the Republican Party does, and it is nonsensical to think of either of them as a lesser evil. The empire itself must end

Yes, she is correct by saying this, but is there is a bigger conspiracy at play?  I will dare to mention David Icke, who is known in the Western World as the ultimate “Conspiracy Theorist.”  Many years ago, I read several of David Icke’s articles and watched a handful of his videos and I will say that I agree with many of his views except his theory of reptilians from space living on planet earth who transform into humans who gain political power to “manipulate human societies.”  Icke has said that the Rothschilds and Rockefeller families are of the reptilian species. With all of the evil they have done on humanity, that would make sense in a way, but I will not go there. But I also agree with his theory on ‘Problem, Reaction, Solution’ that refers to the Hegelian Dialectic when it comes to US politics, especially the 2024 elections that brought back Donald Trump.  The Hegelian Dialectic is defined as what Icke describes as “order out of chaos.”    

In an article written by David Icke, he explains his theory:

You want to introduce something you know the people won’t like. This may be more power to the police, a further erosion of basic freedoms, even a war. You know that if you offer these policies openly the people will react against them. So you first create a PROBLEM, a rising crime rate, more violence, a terrorist bomb, a government collapse, or you get one of your Illuminati puppets like Saddam Hussein to go to war.

You make sure someone else is blamed for this problem and not you, the real people behind it all. So you create a “patsy”, as they call them in America, a Timothy McVeigh or a Lee Harvey Oswald. You then use your media to tell people what they should think about your manufactured event and who they should blame for it. This brings us to stage two, the REACTION from the people – “This can’t go on what are THEY going to do about it?”

This allows THEY to then openly offer the SOLUTION to the problems they have created – new legislation which advances their agenda of centralization of global power or the erosion of more basic freedoms. This technique is being used all the time on the human mind and emotions, not least with the stream of mind-controlled youngsters and adults who go crazy with guns around the world and immediately prompt gun control laws.

Here is a quote:

“The reason we are so controlled is not that we don’t have the power to decide our own destiny, it is that we give that power away every minute of our lives. When something happens that we don’t like, we look for someone else to blame. When there is a problem in the world, we say “What are they going to do about it”. At which point they, who have secretly created the problem in the first place, respond to this demand by introducing a ‘solution’ – more centralization of power and erosion of freedom. If you want to give more powers to the police, security agencies and military, and you want the public to demand you do it, then ensure there is more crime, violence and terrorism, and then it’s a cinch to achieve your aims. Once the people are in fear of being burgled, mugged or bombed, they will demand that you take their freedom away to protect them from what they have been manipulated to fear. The Oklahoma bombing is a classic of this kind, as I detail in .And The Truth Shall Set You Free. I call this technique problem-reaction-solution.

Create the problem, encourage the reaction “something must be done”, and then offer the solution. It is summed up by the Freemason motto ‘Ordo Ab Chao’ -order out of chaos. Create the chaos and then offer the way to restore order. Your order. The masses are herded and directed by many and various forms of emotional and mental control. It is the only way it could be done”

So, you may ask, what is my point, ?  Let’s look at the record of former US President Joe Biden’s time in office.

Biden supported Israel’s genocide against the Palestinian people by giving them full-support and unlimited weapons thus giving him the nick name ‘Genocide Joe.’  Biden sanctioned Venezuela and Russia’s oil and gas sectors.  The war in Ukraine continued. The cost of living in the US skyrocketed.  Biden allowed LGBTQ ideology in schools. Transgenders were allowed in women’s sports.  Biden allowed open borders paving the way to millions of illegal immigrants (some with criminal records) to enter the US without proper oversight and the list goes on and the American people were fed-up.

Then it was time for the 2024 elections, so the worst person for the next US president was selected to run, and that was Kamala Harris. Harris became the Presidential candidate which turned out to be a total disaster for the Democratic Party since Biden was eventually pushed out of the re-election campaign since he was asleep half the time. 

The Biden regime was terrible to say the least.  But was this done on purpose?  Did the overseers plan for a Trump return?  Were specific corporate and Zionist interests involved in the process to bring back Trump by allowing someone who was as bad as Biden?  In fact, Biden was so bad, it was laughable at times. 

Biden became the problem, and the American people reacted with even some life-long democrats switching to the Republican party.  Trump became the “solution” who was going to fix all of the problems.  He was the solution to Biden’s nightmare.   

Now Trump is in office willing to expand the empire’s footprint.  Continuing Biden’s foreign policies especially in the Middle East, becoming more aggressive with his threats of sanctions, regime change and tariffs against nations who want to be part of BRICS in a new multipolar world. 

Was it planned this way?  We don’t know.  Maybe David Icke is on to something here, but to those in the Western world, he is a conspiracy theorist who lives in his own bubble, but what if he is right?  Why would the establishment go to such extremes to get their preferred candidate in office?  Maybe it was to get the voters mandate so that they can do whatever they want around the world?

We might not ever know.  But if history proves that David Icke’s theories are correct, the idea of Problem-Reaction-Solution or order out of chaos may change his title from being a conspiracy theorist to being a man who figured out the real conspiracy theory.  That would be something else, wont it?

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