
The troubled Middle East and NATO’s future plans

Natalia Meden, Strategic Culture Foundation – The West is generously adding fuel to the fire in order to speed up the fall of the Syrian regime. Will it come to a military intervention? In any event, the United States has developed specific plans for a military intervention, which are already being undertaken. According to the Secretary General of NATO, the…

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Geopolitics, Media Analysis, Music & Entertainment

The Pussy Riot Con Game

Timothy Alexander Guzman, Silent Crow News – The controversy behind the Punk Rock group Pussy Riot and the issue of freedom of expression in Russia raised concern for activists and celebrities across the world. The court sentenced each member to two years in prison with the charge of “hooliganism motivated by religious hatred” for the “Punk Prayer” protest at the…

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Global Economy

10 Things You Didn’t Know About Gold

Tyler Durden, Zero Hedge – With gold and silver down this morning – following a mysterious vertical plunge last night (once again) – we thought ConvergEx’s Nick Colas’ timely discussion of gold was worthwhile. As he notes, Gold is the ultimate personality test for investors.  Some hate it, excoriating its adherents for their lack of faith in human ingenuity –…

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Global Economy

The Wolves are at it again! Goldman Sachs Prey on America’s Social Security

Timothy Alexander Guzman, Silent Crow News – In a CBS interview on November 19th 2012 with Goldman Sachs CEO and Chairman Lloyd Blankfein recently said that retirees who are expecting entitlements such as social security will not receive any payments because the US government cannot afford them. The American people should be prepared for what President Obama and his Goldman…

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America Invades Africa: The Resource War and the Coming Invasion of Mali

Timothy Alexander Guzman, Silent Crow News – The United States African Command (AFRICOM) was created in 2007 under then Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld in the Bush Administration as a Military Command center that covers the entire continent of Africa.  They wanted to create a permanent footprint in Africa to maintain the peace and security it desires that is deemed beneficial for…

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Will Syria be a new Iraq, and will Hillary Clinton be a new Colin Powell?

Boris Volkhonsky, Voice of Russia – As reported by the Washington Post, senior US officials including President Barack Obama warned Syrian President Bashar Assad that deploying chemical weapons is “totally unacceptable,” after what US officials said were new intelligence reports that the Damascus government is preparing such munitions for possible use. It all started with the outgoing Secretary of State…

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Malaysia: Victim of America’s “Irregular Warfare” Ops?

Nile Bowie, Global Research – The issue of civil society groups receiving foreign funding has been a major point of discussion in Malaysia during recent times, causing controversy and drawing criticism from activists to members of Parliament alike. Some activists tend to view Putrajaya’s investigation into rights advocacy groups like SUARAM (a noted recipient of foreign funding) as a desperate attempt to…

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